How to wear the Statement Necklace properly

How to wear the Statement Necklace properly

The statement necklace has experienced an incredible resurrection, but still not everyone has the courage to actually wear it. Mostly it’s because of the question: How can I wear it without looking like being taken for a christmas tree or like i’ve raided the jewelry box? So in this post I will share with you … Continue reading

DIY Hardware Jewelry

DIY Hardware Jewelry

As you could see in my post about my DIY Cross Earrings I’m currently really attracted to hardware jewelry, you can easily make of tool elements you already have at home. That’s also the point I always set my priority on while creating diy-tutorials. Because if I’m really ownest I don’t want to spend so … Continue reading

DIY Cross Earrings

DIY Cross Earrings

As you could see yesterday I’m totally obsessed with cross earrings at the moment. After that post I was thinking and thinking about how I could create a pair by myself. I didn’t want to have small ones, I wanted to make some statement earrings. But my problem was, where the hell should I get … Continue reading