
How to wear the Statement Necklace properly

The statement necklace has experienced an incredible resurrection, but still not everyone has the courage to actually wear it. Mostly it’s because of the question: How can I wear it without looking like being taken for a christmas tree or like i’ve raided the jewelry box?
So in this post I will share with you my secrets and tips of properly wearing a statement necklace.

1. less is more

A statement necklace, as the name suggests, gives a statement. Therefore you have to see your outfit as a whole thing and don’t try to use the necklace as a normal accessorie for just adding some eyecatcher. Keep your look basic and simple and let the necklace shine. That means to avoid most of the other jewelry, especially earrings –  only some slender rings might work.

2. neckline – high and low

The statement necklace harmonises both with a low and high neckline. But you have to consider, that if your outfit has a high neckline the necklace should create a good contrast to the fabric and colour of your top. When you choose a low neckline instead, you have to take into account that your jewelry fits with the shape of your neckline and balances your waistline.

3. collared blouse

As you could see in some of the pictures above a very easy, but very stylish way to wear a statement necklace is to combine it with a collared blouse. Therefore it is important that the necklace is short enough to fit perfectly under the collar and just peek out a little bit. And since your blouse must be buttoned, the buttons should’nt be too conspicuous.

4. use contrasts

In the first picture of this post you can see a woman combining an elegant rhinestone necklace with a mickey mouse shirt. Such a breach of style is very suited for wearing a statement necklace and also works with for example the mix of a girly outfit with a clear geometric accessorie.

5. add colour

Maybe the simplest tip of how to wear a statement necklace in the right way is just the adding of colour. You take a plain outfit and use the statement necklace to introduce some life to your look. Particularly a neon necklace will enhance your outfit and take away the dreary appearance of your clothes.

So these were some of the secrests of wearing a statement necklace and hopefully you are now bold enough to try it out as well or got some tips to extend & improve your way of wearing them! 😉
Thank you for reading, xo. Marie




2 thoughts on “How to wear the Statement Necklace properly

  1. Pingback: Beauty Box

  2. I googled “how to wear statement necklaces” and found your post. Great Tips! I like a simple look but needed some pop with accessories. Your post gives easy to follow tips to complete my looks. Thanks!

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